Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Finally... The Coveted Blue Belt!

October 29th, 2015

FINALLY... I've gotten my blue belt! After missing the last two belt tests there was no way in HELL I was missing this one! I even booked time off work so I could make sure I'd be able to attend. I've been training regularly and drilling the syllabus techniques as much as I could for the past couple of months, even watching the videos every day on my lunch break and during supper sometimes. I've been doing private lessons with Geoff and Lionel on the weekends to accelerate my preparation for this as well, which were a great help.

The workout portion of the test was tough. I ran out of steam a lot quicker than I thought I would, but that was probably just my nerves getting to me. I made it through though and there was never any thought of quitting, not after coming this far. During the technique portion of the test, I remained relaxed and just did the techniques as they were called out. There was no hesitation or confusion as to what I was supposed to be doing, I was having fun and was loving every minute of it! I wanted everything to look fluent (especially the throws) and I think I did just that according to the videos, and compliments I was receiving both during and after the test.

An action shot captured by Angel during the test.

The final phase of the test was the grappling portion, which burned off what little energy I had left. I was rolling with Geoff first, who was completely mopping the floor with me, even with BOTH hands tucked into his belt. Of course Barker had to have a piece of me afterwards too, lol...

 Geoff and his "Duck" stance, kicking my ass even with no hands.

It was an incredible feeling to finally trade in my white belt after almost three years of training off and on. I knew I'd succeed if I stuck with it though, and I have. The day after was the seminar, which was just as incredible! We learned some really cool techniques from the Rhino himself, and had a blast doing so. I even earned my first stripe on my shiny new blue belt during it! Ari had asked if anyone was owed a stripe at the end of the seminar, and I had over 200 hours logged so I qualified, but I didn't put my hand up. After just receiving my blue belt, I didn't want to seem greedy. Ari eventually pointed me out though and told me to come up to the front. When Keith saw me standing there he said "Didn't I just give you your blue belt yesterday? Fastest promotion ever." It was pretty funny and totally awesome at the same time.

Being choked out by "The Rhino", Professor Keith Owen after receiving my blue belt.

Group photo of myself, Barker, and Lionel who also received his blue belt.

Making it to this point in Jiu Jitsu has been a monumental milestone for me so far. Training for my blue belt has given me a goal to constantly keep in the back of my mind to work toward. It's driven me to push myself harder at the gym, and in everything else I do in life. Last year was a very difficult year for me, as I fell into a deep depression and desperately struggled to recover from it, though nobody would have ever known it to look at me. Jiu Jitsu gave me something to look forward to at the end of the day, it kept me focused on being positive, and helped a great deal with getting back to my old self again. I can't praise it enough: If you've ever thought about trying martial arts, it doesn't matter how old you are, what shape you're in, what sex you are, or even if you think "Oh I could never do that"... Stop making excuses, and TRY Jiu Jitsu. You won't regret it!

After the seminar, I went to a halloween party at Sensei Ari's house. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to dress up as for it, but knew I wanted to do something and to be there for it. I decided to go with what I know: the zombie look! It came out really well, and only took a couple of hours to throw everything together (the wounds, rotting flesh, blood, etc.) Everyone thought it was well done and asked me about it. The best part is that it only cost me $9.00 and some old clothing to put it all together.

Since receiving my blue belt, training has slowed down, mostly due to being away at sea, then going back home to Cape Breton on vacation for three weeks. I'm getting back into my normal routine now though, and plan to get back into competition shape over the next couple of months. My goals this year are to become even leaner, get my Orange belt in Japanese Jiu Jitsu, and get out to more competitions, whether local, or abroad. I plan to make at least one or two weekend trips again as well. There are also some really exciting things happening at the club, including a move to a new location with more mat space, and the addition of several new classes which I'm pretty excited about.

It's time for me to wade out into some of the deepers waters of Jiu Jitsu and say goodbye to the shallow end of the white belt era. A whole new world of training and competing has just opened its doors to me and I'm jumping in with both feet. It will be a long time before I become a black belt, but this is the first of many major steps toward that ultimate goal for me.

Stay tuned friends... OSS!

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